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Closing out the New Year!

In closing out the New Year, I have many things to be thankful for! I wanted to especially thank my family, friends, and team; together, we had many successful developments in 2013, and with continued support, I believe we can continue to head into new directions and express ourselves and our art in a newer light. We ended 2013 with the following dynamic performances that will give us a super start in 2014: the Kung Fu Heroes performed Shaolin Kung Fu alongside the award winning Seraphim Orchestra, and also helped dropped the ball on New Year's Eve in Scottsdale, Arizona's Hotel "W" as part of their "One Night in Bangkok" party.

For 2014, an all new martial arts video series will be released through a collaboration project with Roland Osborne and our good friends at Hyper MA. I am scheduled to begin filming online tutorials for martial arts and language for our friends across the world, and I have travel plans to visit Europe, China, and South America! Again, very grateful and looking forward to surprising everyone with a few more things I can't mention yet!

Thank you all for the support!

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